The 20’s

I've read too many blogs in which people right about things you need to do in your 20’s and on the sad note, being a girl from ‘not-a-metropolitan-city’ even dreaming of doing certain things that’s considered trendy and cool online is hell of a task. 

We are way behind into accepting western ideas or maybe accepting that a twenty year old is an adult (which in case of Indian society, we are not!!).

So in this blog I would like to write some of the things that would possibly be easily done not taking into account where you’re from or about you’re environment or you’re family background.

1.     Let your heart be your “only best friend”

Guys, it’s time you understand this in the proper sense. I know it is trendy and cool to have bunch of friends to hang out with but to have friends who would really keep your back and your secrets too are the best. Who else would be there with you each second if rather not yourself?

It seems a bit difficult to understand if you haven’t encountered a situation where you needed just “you” the most. But eventually in your 20’s, you will surely be through this and so it’s better you” find yourself” prior to it.

2.         Reading a good number of books

It is ok if you aren’t a book lover, starting to be one will surely do you good. At first you could start with romantic novels, which at our age is the most fascinating and slowly move on to classics which could become light bearer to your future endeavors.
Some books that you could start with are
*       The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
*       Girl of my Dreams by Durjoy Datta
*       The little Prince by Antoine de saint-Exupery ( It is one of the classics but you can start with it.

3.     Exploring your neighborhood
Being born and brought up in a middle class family gives you very nearly nil opportunities to travel through countries alone, which mostly tops the “must do list” in your twenties (online) .

Let’s get optimistic and agree to our facts and find ways to do things that come under our “jurisdiction”. Let us take a time out and explore our own area. There are for sure loads and loads of mysteries around our cities that may get our jaws dropped. Start your adventure!!!

4.     Save money

There are hell lot of things that seem so attractive while you cross the shopping stalls and most of the time we trip into holes of spending our money. Stop!!! And get back to your senses. It is fine even if it is a small amount of 10 rupees per month; don’t forget to put into your savings box.

5.     Finding your love

Oh no!! I don’t particularly mean “the one person”, but the “one thing” that excites you with just its mention of doing it ( Well, in simpler terms I mean your passion).

It doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to turn your passion into your living, but finding out what it is should be your first step. And for this it is important you explore your own new arenas and work towards it, in small little steps.

6.     Be a listener

With connection to my first point in the list, finding home in your own self will make you calm and silent or rather a good listener too.

Make efforts into understanding what others are going through, flow with them through their dark sides, be a shoulder that people could lean on.
This, not only gives them a sign of relief, but it could also help you grow as a person.

7.     Exercise

Well, I am very bad at doing this, but I truly know this is a must. It is this age that puts the foundation to your future health and therefore it is important you took care of it.
Just a walk of 15-30 minutes could do wonders to your part and yes!! Do not forget that last 10 minutes of meditation, because you know it really feels amazing.

So these were some of “my lists” that I would like to do in my early twenties and yeah, I know, this had more to do with your own physical and mental upbringing rather than all those fancy things that you often read, but that’s just what I wanted you to understand that, “that exact way you live, that way, you are beautiful!!!”.    


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