The Circle of Stereotyping

The Circle of Stereotyping

“Oh! Stop stereotyping guys! You are in the 21st century,remember? Break the norms!Slap right and left! Have a free life, kick out relationships, just (softly)…just chase your dreams…”

            Isn't today the trend of breaking stereotypes? Life is a competition, life is a constant race, think out of the box or you won’t sustain. We are in the run to change things too quickly, getting bored to the usual stuff, on a constant hunger to find something new.

Let’s just stop for a minute, hold in our breath and think about..

Stereotyping in the perfect sense refers to imaging a person to be fit to some judgmental ideas and expect them to act accordingly(at least referring to today’s definition). I agree, the practice has some major effect on the thought of freedom of speech and living. It is just that in my opinion, we are getting too much into breaking these stereotypes that unknowingly we are creating new ones.

“History is repeating itself
And we are just the “Watching fools”
We are creating yet other stereotypes
That is to be broken soon”

The idea of shy, little spoken girl isn't supposed to be existing, why? It’s because of the wrong definition of feminism that we are all into. We have fallen into the process of framing things, again. I’m not against women empowerment, but I believe the act of breaking rules should very strictly combine with the ideology of freedom to live on personal terms.

People, especially of our age should digest the fact that following someone’s principles and living a “normal life” isn't at the very least an outdated thing to do, until and unless you are not happy with it and surely you are not comparing yourself to the other fellows. Our constant urge into doing something new might just lead us to nowhere.

Are you ‘ll with me? OK, let’s just dig in further…

Imagine a happy person...
 who is the character that you see in your mind?, A celebrity? A Cartoon? A successful business man who had failed in his exams? A friend in a better position? Or your happier self? If it’s the first four, then unluckily you are trapped in the cycle of stereotypes, my friend. Your mind is telling you that unless you follow the trends of breaking these so called “fake norms” you aren't going to be happy.

It’s not just you, it’s become the algorithm of youth today. But let’s not fall back. After all it’s “our time”, it’s “our age”. Let’s stay grounded to our roots and stay the way we are!!! Let us not cheat our true self and build a personality that helps us in being a happier self.


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